Just like us! ❤️
Online Workshop for people living in Germany & Turkey
in December 2021
Participant age: 16-30
Workshop language: English

Experience intercultural exchange with TikTok

In our 5-session workshop, we will learn and discover how to create more advanced TikTok content, gain followers, how to improve your filming & editing skills for social media and investigate the idea of the algorithm behind TikTok (and other social media platforms).
We will get in exchange with people from Germany and Turkey and create creative content together.

The workshop is for free.


Tu        07.12.             Intro, TikTok and filmmaking basics

Sa       11.12.             Storytelling and how to build a community on social media

Tu        14.12.             Social Media algorithm

Sa        18.12.            Creative sessions: Audio/Music & Dancing/Moving & Transition/Effects

Sa        28.12.            Final Presentation

*All Workshops 17:00 German time // 19:00 Turkish time. Duration of the sessions: 2h


Ceyda Özdemir: Youth worker and Trainer

Loy Records: Musician, DJ and Producer

Miss Venergy: Dancer and Dance teacher

Peter Drazy: Content creator, TikToker and marketing specialist


Application Form


For more information and application email us: info@kultur-art.com


The workshops supported by the German-Turkish Youth Bridge in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Istanbul.